Social media is huge – and it’s getting bigger each day. More and more people are connected to others via some kind of social network, whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Vimeo, blogs, forums or even MySpace. 65 percent of Internet users in the U.S. used social networking sites, up from 61 percent the previous year. Besides personal use, more businesses are using social media as well. A joint study by global management consulting firm Booz & Company and Buddy Media found that 96 percent of companies surveyed would be increasing their investments in social media. Advertising and promotions, PR, and customer services were listed as the main uses or benefits. Can you afford not to follow your potential customers where they “hang out” and start a relationship with them?
We can behave as an addition of your marketing team and assume full management of your social marketing program. 360 Degrees, LLC is your specialized social marketing company in Detroit, Michigan which will handle all tasks and responsibilities related to creating, applying, managing and promoting your social profiles on the different networks to help you build your social network.
Some of the social media marketing and management services we offer: